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InterFlight Global will solve your most complex and demanding business challenges. For three decades, we have delivered actionable strategies, and execution ready plans that have delivered financial, economic and technological results for our clients. We thrive on producing successful outcomes, routinely exceeding our clients expectation and return on investment. 

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AST SpaceMobile

IFG completed a worldwide site selection search for AST&Science and AST SpaceMobile's global headquarters, research & development, manufacturing and final assembly facilities. AST chose Midland, Texas, given its characteristics of location, facilities available, workforce and the ability to produce their world leading Micron Satellites and associated Nano Avionics Satellites on site.

Image credit: AST SpaceMobile

Business Case and Result: Economic Development package that far exceeded the clients expectations. It launched AST SpaceMobile from a privately held, promising company into a world-class publicly traded company on the Nasdaq (ASTS) in record time, on budget and on schedule.


"Thank you, Oscar, very much for everything you and Yvette have done, it has been a great pleasure working with you and IFG!" 

-Abel Avellan, Chairman & CEO, AST SpaceMobile

Midland Development Corporation (MDC) 

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IFG reengineered  and redeveloped the Midland Air and Spaceport in Midland, Texas, providing an ecosystem of aerospace, space and aviation related companies to create a vibrant Spaceport Business Park and associated economic development.

Result: a new aerospace and defense sector in a traditionally energy focused, oil & gas community, creating hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars of GDP for the Midland, Texas area.


Image credit: Midland Development Corporation

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Image credit: Mobility City

Mobility City -
Fundación IberCaja, Spain

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“I thank IFG very much and sincerely, for all the support and value that you have been giving to the Mobility City project and its success. I am sure that the area with your aerospace vehicles will be the most spectacular, in addition to being the most relevant to the future of mobility”


-Jose Luis Rodrigo, Managing Director

IFG completed a strategic mandate for the IberCaja  Banking Foundation, a wholly owned philanthropic arm of one of Spain’s largest banks, IberCaja. IFG was mandated to curate, select and introduce global aerospace innovation companies and their products to the Mobility City expo launch exhibit in Zaragoza, Spain, EU. 


Business Case Result: In less than 12 months, on schedule, on budget and exceeding expectations, IFG Europe and IFG curated a collection of over 14 companies and their aerospace vehicles ranging from suborbital rockets, hydrogen cell powered aircraft, Hybrid Air Vehicles, to personal AAM leisure vehicles. 

Bryce Tech


“Thank you for your quick turnaround on the documents. Your in-depth experiences in the aviation industry and high-speed transportation make this proposal much stronger”

Thank you, Oscar, and of course the same to the IFG team. You continue to be the best partners”

-Carie Mullins, Senior Engineer


“IFG’s content rich insights are very valuable. You do excellent work”


-Carissa Bryce Christensen, Founder and CEO

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Image credit: Bryce Tech

Business Case and Result: IFG;s high-speed flight and hypersonic industry subject matter expertise collaborated with Bryce Tech in the confection of a Hypersonic Market Study for NASA’s due diligence efforts for its future research thrusts for its Hypersonics programs. The study has been promoted by IFG and extremely useful as  a foundational pillar for hypersonic industry development, markets and financial formation and deployment as well as for standards and best practices foundational work.

Central control room

Image credit: Flight Research Aerospace

Flight Research Group


We appreciate the advisory services we have received from IFG. Those services have helped us identify and execute the path we are now on. The steps along that path have not been small

-James Miller, Chairman & Founder

Business Case and Result: Corporate restructuring resulting in a Holding/Group of companies with multi-million dollar increase in revenues, equity and enterprise value.

Dornier Seawings

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"IFG was instrumental in the relaunch of the Dornier Seastar Program. With Oscar's vision, inspiration and motivation we have been able to take this important aerospace program from the shadows into the lights."

- Conrado Dornier, Chairman & Founder

Business Case and Result: Full relaunch of the Dornier Seastar Program and increased clients enterprise value by over US$90 million.


Image credit: Dornier Seawings

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